Iran, Teheran
Interview mit Hooman
1. How is the current situation regarding Covid-Infections in your city/ country?
After the complete shut down due to Covid Pandemic the Iranian Government is starting public life step by step. Tomorrow offices and industry in Teheran will open again and most people start working. Before companies had to apply for the health code of Iranian Health Ministry and have to guarantee that the respect the hygiene rules and establish social distancing.
Since the peak of Covid infections after the new year holiday Nowruz on 20.3.2020 people understood very well the danger of the virus and learnde the rules of hygiene. Nurses and doctors fought against the pandemic very hard and had to stay in hospitals without seeing their families. Under the US sanctions it was very hard to buy and organize drugs for patients and equipment like maks for the stuff. The organisation of daily life was very good with no lack of food and stuff.
2. What activities are possible, what activities are not possible regarding training of candidates?
Some candidates had to work in hospitals and therefore had to interrupt their language training for German departure. Online training was realized rarely.
3. How is your experience with digital working and collaboration (videoconferences, calls)? What are the difficulties, what works well?
People are still blocked by Covid-measures and circumstances. We are ready to start our activities as soon as possible.
4. How are the language lessons going on?
If candidates have internet access online training is going on.
5. What do you need most to continue the training for Germany?
Language examinations are postponed due to Covid for at least two month. We need new dates and timelines of language institutes for the exams in order to go ahead.
6. Is it possible to prepare candidates for their departure to a hospital in Germany in the near future? (disregarding lacking flight options in these days)
This depends on language exams and how quick they can do them.
7. Do you have a personal wish for the situation or an advice how to overcome and continue best this situation Covid-19?
We need better online language trainings with regular support of the candidates. This means communication on a daily, almost weekly basis.
Zur Situation in den Onea Care-Partnerländern
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